The book pits HTTP(S) against SOAP in the battle of protocols when implementing web services. Where SOAP only uses HTTP(S) as its transport channel, REST embraces all of the principles of the protocol. In order to assess why REST is such a good fit for service design, let’s review what a web service is all about. Web services are software components that are developed to expose business capabilities. To do so, they are comprised of the following elements (available through the provided contract):
The first five chapters of the book deal mainly in building a transformative journey for an organization to shift to using REST services according to the Richardson’s maturity model. The model starts from a very basic implementation not following any of the REST standards up to a full implementation of services with the principle of “Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State” (HATEOS). The remaining chapters deal with how to address any non-functional specifications these services must cover. In these remaining chapters there is a brief intermezzo where the authors delve into the ATOM format as a substitute for transferring data and a means for event driven service design. As these chapters are a bit the odd ones out, this synopsis will not delve into them too deeply.
Richardson’s Maturity Model
In order to clarify the success factors of the WWW as a platform for services on a global scale, the book sketches a high-level overview of the architecture behind it, and the salient points for the REST
architecture. Formalized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the specification can be found here. Services are exposing resources through Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URI). Their relation is many-to-one: A resource can be identified by more than one URI, but any URI will only point to one resource, making it addressable and accessible for manipulation
via HTTP. This endpoint will follow a specific structure: <protocol>://<host>/<resource>/<identifier>
with the identifier piece being optional. To fetch consultant Peter De Kinder from the service
would look something like this:
The Web does not differentiate between resource representations. Resources can thus have multiple representations. These representations are views encoded in a specific format (Json, XML, MP3…) to match the needs of the consumers through content negotiation (see further down). This consumer friendliness does not relinquish control on how to represent or modify these resources. This is still the purview of the services that control them. The encapsulation of the resources support isolation and allow for independent evolution of functionality in order to preserve loose coupling, one of the key aspects of the Web. One consideration to make is that you should name your resources in such a way that they are intuitive: They must indicate the intent of the service as well as already provide a rudimentary level of documentation.
As stated earlier: HTTP is the spearpoint for this architecture, and this protocol stacks on top of the TCP/IP protocols and a series of WANs and LANs for its communication. These networks are hosted on a set of geographically widespread and commoditized web servers, proxies, web caches and Content Delivery Networks (CDN) that host the resources and manage traffic flow without intricate canonical data models or middleware solutions.
HTTP Protocol
Loose coupling in combination with the caching possibilities of the network allow for the needed scalability asked from services and application in today’s software development. But since the Web doesn’t try to incorporate QoS guaranties and other non-functional specifications, there is a need for fault tolerance in the services design, as the Web will always try to retrieve resources, even if they are nonexistent.
The manipulation through HTTP is done using the verbs that are supported in the protocol: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, TRACE, CONNECT and the somewhat newer PATCH. These verbs form a uniform interface with widely accepted semantics that cover almost all possible requirements for distributed systems. Add to this a set of response codes that can be returned together with a payload of which the most famous is the 404 – Not Found.
Combined with employing HTTP and URIs for this implementation, we are compliant with level two of Richardson’s maturity model. In addition to this we need a way of communicating and handling failures that might occur during the execution of a transaction. For example: If we take a standard ordering system where the transactions manipulate said order (our resource), we get the following contract:
VERB | URI | STATUS | Description |
POST | /order | 201 | A new order is created, and the location header returns the new order’s URI. The complete order needs to be provided. |
409 | The creation of the order conflicts with the current state of another resource and is rejected. For example: The order being created already exists. | ||
GET | /order/{id} | 200 | Returns the current state of the Order identified by the URI. |
404 | Returns a status code indicating the requested resource cannot be found by the service. | ||
PUT | /order/{id} | 200/204 | Updates the Order identified by the URI with new information. Only a partial order is needed (with all fields that need to change). The difference between the 200 and 204 response is just aesthetic and depends on the choice of the organization. |
404 | Returns a status code indicating the requested resource cannot be found by the service. | ||
409 | The update has created a conflict with the current state of the order and is rejected. | ||
412 | The update is attempting to update a resource that has been modified since it was last fetched. This signals a concurrency issue. | ||
DELETE | /order/{id} | 200/204 | Logically removes the order identified by the URI, and in the case of a 200 response, we could return the final state of the order. |
Some response statuses can be generated by all of the above HTTP verbs:
STATUS | Description |
400 | A malformed request was sent to the service. |
401 | Unauthorized Access. The party trying to act in a transaction does not have the proper authorization to perform the requested actions. |
405 | Method not allowed. The execution of this verb is not allowed on the current resource type (in our case order). In case of a DELETE this could also mean that the resource is currently in a state that doesn’t allow it to be deleted. |
500 | Internal Server Error when the service is unavailable or internally crashing without possible recovery. |
When designing and implementing services we always need to consider whether calling these services should be safe and/or idempotent. Safe services have no server-side side effects that the consumer of the service can be held accountable for. These service calls will not trigger any effects that will change the state of resources. Idempotency is the fact that a service call can be done multiple times without yielding a different result in any of its calls. Each identical call will result in an identical response. The GET of a resource is a call that is considered both safe and idempotent. The service call will return the same result no matter how many times it is called, and it will not alter the state of the resource it is requesting.
HTTP Verb | Safe | Idempotent |
GET | x | x |
POST | x | x |
PUT | x | |
DELETE | x | |
Other verbs (all both safe and idempotent) that are commonly enabled on REST services are the following:
The book concludes its elaboration on the second level of Richardson’s Maturity with an overview of some of the more popular technologies and frameworks and how they tackle the creation of a consumer for the services defined with REST. These are rather straightforward for those developers that routinely use them, so we will not go deeper into them.
Hypermedia systems extend the resource state that is being manipulated by the services with additional characteristics. The resource state becomes a combination of:
The links mentioned make up a domain application protocol (DAP) that advertises all possible interactions with the resource. The consumers of this service use these published interactions to discover how to interact with the resource. Hyperlinks are the weapon of choice when adding such links to interactions. A DAP also consists of two other key components: Media Types (as mentioned before), and HTTP Idioms (which make up the HTTP uniform interface: verbs, standard headers, error codes…). In short: Link relation values tell why the consumer should activate a hypermedia control by stating the role of the linked resource, the media type tells the consumer what it can expect as the response of a link, and the idioms manipulate the resources represented by the links.
The resource state can be in any format as REST’s hypermedia tenet does not force any set media type. IANA is the official registry of MIME media types and maintains a list of all the universally accepted MIME types. The resource should indicate in the Content-Type header of its responses the ideal way of interpreting it. Similarly, the Accept header is part of the HTTP spec for requests. In this header the consumer can indicate which media type it wishes to receive. Based on these two headers, a system of content negotiation is set up where the request of a consumer can be matched to the proper implementation to return the desired result and how it is conveyed.
The HTTP specification allows for the definition of custom media types as well. This is used to inform the consumer about the result to be expected in greater detail. Where “application/xml” informs the consumer
which format to expect, it doesn’t give any insight on which data to expect. This can be done by creating a custom media type in the vendor range (vnd). This type adheres to the format:
<media type>/vnd.<owner of custom media type>.<type of data>+<media suffix>
For example: If the return of a service would list the detail of a consultant for the company “Best IT People” in XML format, you would get the following media type: application/vnd.bestitpeople.consultant+xml
Just beware not to create a set of customer media types that map directly onto the representation formats in the code of the service. That would create unnecessary tight coupling.
By utilizing the HTTP specs, URIs and hypermedia, REST allows for scalability, uniformity, performance, and encapsulation when designing a distributed system. These conventions guide the service design, and thus have an impact on how the service will be exposed to the outside world. This exposure is what we call the service contract. A service contract informs the consumers of the service about the format of the resource (media type), its processing model (protocol) and the links to related resources. The contract also shields the consumer from the implementation details, decreasing the coupling between the service and its consumers, and at the same time heightening security through obfuscation. This loose coupling is further enhanced by applying Postel’s Law: “Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others”, also known as the robustness principle. An example of how to go about implementing this law, is the Tolerant Reader pattern.
Although the service contract has these conventions as a foundation to build upon, there is still a need for some thought to be put into the data modeling of the resources that will be exposed. The decisions on how to divvy up the data assets that make up the business context into exposable resources can be a daunting endeavor, and numerous design factors should be taken into account based on the context in which this services and their contract are designed.
However, there are some recurring factors influencing the size of the resource representation:
Designing the contract before implementing the service is what is called the contract-first approach. This approach might seem like a lot of design/thinking upfront, and it will require additional development when exposing legacy code as a service or implementing retrofits, but despite this additional preparatory work, it does grant several benefits:
There are concepts that I like from this level, such as the use of vendor-specific media types and contract-first design, but mostly this level carries with it a lot of added complexity for a return that only becomes tangible when working with experienced development teams and an organization with sufficient maturity in the field of service design. This is the main reason that level 2 services are the most common. And nothing stops us from cherry picking these concepts and applying them to our level 2 services.
There are several considerations that weigh on the design and implementation of services that are of a more technical nature. Some of them have already been mentioned, but there is a selection of these characteristics that are worked out in the book, each with its proper impact on the scalability of the services.
Caching can be done at numerous points along the request/response chain of a service call. When a resource is requested, and one of the intermediate components has a version of this resource, they will provide it back. Otherwise the service call will reach the origin service and collect the real-time data. The origin service should provide the intermediate components the rules for when and how to cache as well as how long the data would be considered “fresh”. Evidently, the closer the caching component is to the consumer in the request/response chain, the less expensive (reduction of bandwidth and of load on the origin service) the call. The other benefits of caching are a reduced latency (a quicker roundtrip time) and a reduced impact of possible network failures.
While there are benefits to caching, there are also reasons not to do so. In these situations, caching will harm more than it benefits, or might simply not be allowed:
Aside from all the caching that can be added on an applicative level, there are already several components capable of caching that are native to the infrastructure of the web:
The caching components are instructed on how to handle the caching of the resources they hold by using these specific HTTP response headers:
It is important that data is kept consistent across various manipulations, especially when it is being exposed to and manipulated by the consumers of stateless services. One of the key risks that threaten this consistency is concurrent writes to the same resource. The scenario is straightforward. Consumer A reads the current resource. Consumer B reads the same resource. Consumer B updates the resource, followed by consumer A updating the resource. In this scenario, consumer A never saw the changes that consumer B made, and more than likely erases them by updating the resource.
One way to tackle this scenario is to introduce conditional updates. The idea is that when a consumer reads a certain resource, it gets passed a unique representation of this resource in the “Etag”-header (for example a MD5-hash of the non-transient fields of the resource). Each time any consumer is updating a resource, the consumer needs to provide this value in the “If-Match”-header. The idea is that when the update is processed by the service, it checks whether the content of the header still matches the representation of the resource. If it is still the same, it will update the resource and return the result (HTTP 200 OK status). If between the read and update of the resource by this consumer, another consumer modified the resource, the representation value will have changed, and the update is denied (HTTP 412 PRECONDITION FAILED status). It is then up to the consumer to fetch an up to date resource and decide whether or not still to process its changes. The “If-None-Match”-header checks whether a resource exists with the representation, and if not, proceed with the update. This could be used to prevent the creation of duplicate resources in the database.
There are also headers based on the modification date of a resource for indicating to the service that it should behave in a conditional way. Personally, I feel that this adds the additional complication of syncing the date between the service and its consumers, and that using the ETag is more resilient:
There is an entire chapter dedicated to security in the book. However, since this is one of those areas of expertise that has rapid evolutions, the contents of this book (written in 2015) are somewhat dated. It evaluates authentication and authorization mechanisms based on four characteristics associated with secure distributed systems: Confidentiality (how well data can be kept private), Integrity (how to prevent unlawful changes to data), Identity (how to identify parties involved in the transactions) and Trust (what to allow the previously mentioned parties in transactions).
The book offers up the following mechanisms to achieve these characteristics:
There is a chapter dedicated to Web Semantics. This concept can be characterized as the meaning behind data and information, and stems from a need to make sure that all parties involved in the management of a resource have the same interpretation for it. This shared interpretation is then formalized in a contract (using frameworks such as OWL or RDF), making the resource meaningful for both people and consuming services. It mostly deals with the difference between data, information and knowledge in terms of structure (relationship between different information pieces that make up a resource) and representation (in which format to expose it).
Web Semantics was very popular for a time, but as I have described in a previous thought, for me it no longer bears much relevance. That being said, remnants of the technologies can still be found in for example the twitter card headers used to aptly represent website links on the twitter feed. These metatags use RDF as their foundation.
The WS-* protocol stack might still be considered more developed, but this comes with an increased complexity that hinders its uses. It still has some legacy that it cannot shed, such as for example the disregard of encapsulation in exposing its internal workings via the WSDL. But it does come with several strong points to cover the non-functional needs of service design. Not in the least its security features that come with a full suite of cryptographic techniques provides an end-to-end mechanism or transferring information. And we cannot forget that at this time its adoption by organizations is still very widespread.
However, REST has gained substantial maturity on these topics as evidenced by this book and has since become the new favorite. REST isn’t a perfect fit for every situation, as no solution ever is. And its distributed nature does necessitate strict monitoring of performance and other metrics such as mean time between failures. But the familiarity with the World Wide Web architecture carries enough weight to add an intuitive aspect to its development and use.
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